This paper attempts to identify the merits and demerits associated with ICT in teaching of poetry in secondary schools and in the process, offers suggestions on how to overcome attitudes that have become fossilized and almost precluded any meaningful appreciation of poetry.
Abdullahi D. Umar
Department of English and Literature
Federal University Gusau
Dr. Mrs Iyere Jennifer Maria
Department of English and Literature
Federal University Gusau
A problem in poetry teaching at the introductory level
with second language students is that a large number of difficulties occur
simultaneously. The fact that the demands of the Examination bodies’ literature
syllabus have compelled many teachers and students to study poetry does not
seem to have made it as acceptable as it should be. Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in secondary and higher education can
revolutionize the education sector in Nigeria, thereby making its impact felt
in other areas like governance, economy and administration. Today
in the fast pacing world where everything is digitized, the education sector
should not lag behind, because it is education which ensures the future of the
citizens and the progress of the country. The use of ICT tools in the so called
‘traditional’ subjects of history, literature, political science, economics and
other areas of humanities? The analysis of the data indicated that majority of
students had positive attitudes for the use of visual aids to read literary
texts. Also, observation by the researcher showed the use of visual aids during
the lecture was effective. The use of the ICT tools enhanced the students’
motivation to enjoy the lecture processes better and to achieve the lecture
goals higher. The study concludes that the use of visual aids enables the
students to engage closely with literary texts. That suggests that literature
taught by visual aids helps to enhance students’ creative and critical thinking
skills. Therefore, this study proclaims that teachers changed their attitudes
as well as the students had positive attitudes for the use of visual aids, the
lecture processes would be more interesting and creative. In this paper, we
focus on how use of ICT in the teaching of English literature can make it
interesting for students, teachers, research scholars and how the dynamics of
the subject can come alive, for study of literature is, in fact, is studying a
number of subjects in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary modes and ICT can
provide a fitting platform of convergence for that.
Key Words: ELT, EFL, Visual Aids, ICTs, Motivation,
Literary Texts, English literature
paper attempts to identify the merits and demerits associated with ICT in
teaching of poetry in secondary schools and in the process, offers
suggestions on how to overcome attitudes that have become fossilized and almost
precluded any meaningful appreciation of poetry.
communication is a systematic of communicating by the use of sounds or
conventional symbols. Information and Communication
Technologies is a popularly known by its acronyms ICT which is a combination of
three powerful words- Information, Communication and Technology. In the
following details, it has been described what these words mean with reference
to ICT.
The word ‘’Information‟ has been derived from the Latin word “Informare” which means ‘’the formation of
mind or teaching”. Information is any fact provided and or learned about something
or someone. Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and
telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data,
often in the context of education or other enterprise.
The word ‘’Communication’’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘’Communicare’’ which means ‘’to share’’. “Communication is the
imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some
other medium or the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings or a
letter or message containing information or news, or means of sending or
receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers.” Any computer has
any potential to link up with other computers through communication systems
such as telephone lines or satellite. This link-up facilitates exchange of
memos, reports, letters, data/information, and even having meetings among
people in geographically dispersed locations.
The word ‘’Technology’’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘’Tekhnologia’’ which means ‘’systematic treatment’’. “Technology is the
application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in
industry or machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge.” The
term technology has been given various definitions by previous literatures.
According to Kumar et. al (1999) technology consists of two primary components:
a physical component which comprises of items such as products, tooling,
equipments, blueprints, techniques, and processes and the informational
component which consists of know-how in management, marketing, production,
quality control, reliability, skilled labor and functional areas. The early
concept of technology as information holds that the technology is generally
applicable and easy to reproduce and reuse (Arrow, 1962). However, Reddy and
Zhoa (1990) contend that the early concept of technology contradicts with a
strand of literature on international technology transfer which holds that
‘’technology is conceived as firm-specific information concerning the
characteristics and performance properties of the production process and
product design’’.
Information Technology Communication is defined as the convergence
of audio-visual, telephone and computer networks through a link system. It is a
combination of all these elements, capped by a vision on how technology can
help an organization to reach its goals. In a broad sense, the term is used to
refer not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) that an
organization uses, but also to the way in which people interact with this
technology in support of business processes.
today’s modern era, almost each and every country is harnessing the utilities
of ICT for improving the standards of life of its citizens. Nigeria is no
exception to this phenomenon. Nigeria government is promoting ‘’Digital Nigeria’’
programmed with full enthusiasm in different fields including education.
Day-by-day, the use of ICT is increasing in the field of education especially
in teaching of different subjects. ICT may be a powerful and flexible tool for
teaching of English literature also. English literature, like literature of
many other languages, has a vast variety of elements of music, emotions,
actions and dialogues.
“Technology will not replace teachers but
teachers who understand technology will replace those who do not.” - Dr. Ray Clifford. ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) is vital to complement the old-style mode of
teaching. Here, the word ‘’complement’’
is significant because technology cannot replace teachers as such but can
surely supplement or add to their traditional mode of teaching. In the contemporary
phase of technology and information thriving, sometimes, the old-style mode of teaching
different subjects including English literature seems monotonous. In many
schools, colleges and universities of Nigeria, English literature is taught in
the traditional mode where teachers keep on talking for about an hour or so and
students keep on earshot and jotting down the notes. Shortly, both, teachers
and students get exhausted of this monotonous routine of teaching and learning
English literature in the same way every day. So, ICT may be a very significant
tool for providing variety to teaching of English literature by eliminating the
element of tedium from it and pervading in it sparkle every day and every
moment. It may revolutionize the way the subject- English literature is
considered to be taught. The role of teacher is unquestionably of immense
importance in the teaching of English literature but ICT may also make it energetic
by making students fascinated as well as engaged in what is being taught.
Observation is the best method or approach to collect data about
the interaction, the behavior or the personality characteristics of an
individual. Useful observations in this case study were made when the researcher
attended the literature components. The
researcher stayed at the back of the classroom throughout the lesson and took
notes to describe the settings and the transactions that took place as well as
making comments on any remarks made. The A questionnaire is another research tool
used as a quantitative approach to collect data. It was prepared and
distributed for the purpose of securing responses and information about certain
conditions or practices, of which recipient is presumed to have knowledge. The
questionnaire is considered to be the most flexible of tools and possesses a
unique advantage over others in collecting information.
The multimedia presentations
suggest an interactive, dynamic and communicative model of perceiving
literature, as well as a new reading approach. The ICT facilitates the
comprehension of the multidimensional character of literature and transforms
technology into a tool for reading and creative writing, in other words a tool
that enhances literacy. In this way critical thinking, as a part of critical
literacy, makes
students able to experiment through creative writing and reveal artistic
skills. Furthermore, critical literacy is developed, as students attempt to
create surrealistic poems enriched with music and painting. This reading and
didactic approach does not intent to a high quality artistic product or to lead
students to become poets. It is
expected that students’ poetic creations would be inferior to the original
poems. However, the creative writing that combines the advantage of the word
processor software with the fluid form of the poetic text can emerge the
playful aspect of literature. Word replacement, coloring or reassembling the
text structure, are
activities that help students understand the constructive techniques of the
literary content and the efficacy of literary language (Nikolaidou, P.77, 2009).
Moreover, the encouragement of
self-expression and free thinking, the observation of works of art and the
liberation from the initial stimulus, makes students deliberate their creative imagination.
Thus, students approach
surrealistic poems with an experiential way, because they become familiar with
the automatic and non-conscious writing, the bold linguistic combinations and
the game of non-logical thoughts, the dreamy and unconscious excess of reality.
So, the abolition of poetical conventions shows the conflict with the traditional
poetry, defines, from the beginning, the way fine arts refer to what is ‘real’,
establishes a new way of thinking and a new attitude towards life
(Athanasopoulou, P88 2009).
The paper focuses on the
learner-centered teaching model. Students take an active part in the lesson,
which give them the opportunity to self-acting and critical thinking process.
The new knowledge is constructed over the older, according to the cognitive
theory of constructivism (Raptis & Rapti, P85 2006). When students
collaborate, work in groups and compose a text, as one of the activities
included in the worksheets, they think and create in an environment of
feedback. The personal thoughts and ideas of one student become food for
thought for the rest of them.
Significance of Literature
first pertinent question we may ask ourselves is ‘’Why bother about the study
of literature?’’ Education aims at the complete development of the A subject
such as literature would play an important role in the achievement. While it is
agreed that some other subjects contribute to the making of the whole man; for
example; music, history, mathematics, science and philosophy, the study of
literature has traditionally been felt to have a unique effectiveness in
opening the mind and illuminating it, purging the mind of prejudices as it
makes it free and active.
English literature is hundreds of years old and continues to be
one of the most popular courses of study in schools, colleges and universities
not only in England but also in the whole world. It is the study of literature
written in the English language. In it, the writers do not necessarily have to
be from England but can be from all over the world. It not only represents
writers from different parts of the world and time periods but also covers
every major genre and style of writing. There are five genres of English
literature commonly taught in the classroom- poetry, drama, prose, non-fiction
and media.
is a process of transmitting information through speech, writing, illustration,
gesture and other media. These varieties of information dissemination processes
are context based, hence the adoption of the Multi-media aesthetics of ‘’fabulous
theatre” in this paper (Abubakar: 2006:189-206). It is a device used to access
and assess the adoption of different media of communication of ideas, visions
or criticism of vital socio-political and cultural issues of modern of African
Most students find that literature is hard to be understood and
that it is difficult to be read since learners are not interested in reading
literature through books. This
generation of learners is called e- learners. They believe in what they see and
hear. They are not much interested in what is written. Thus learning literature
requires to be integrated with the use of ICT tools to make what is written be
seen and heard and therefore it may be attractive and motivating.
Attitudes to
Teaching Poetry
For many years researchers and
teachers have detected the difficulties arose when poetry has to be thought in
Secondary Greek Schools and they asked themselves questions about the fact that
students’ understanding is narrow and their response is limited and inadequate.
It is a common belief among teachers and scientists that teaching poetry is the
most challenging of all literature Kinds (Thompson, 1996). The major
difficulties derive; (1) from the nature and the special features that language
acquires, when it becomes poetic; (2) from the ambiguity that occurs in our
days, concerning the answer to the question what poetry is; (3) from the fact
that experts are unwilling to agree to a common definition. So, teaching poetry
becomes more and more difficult (Kaplani, P.67 2006).
The reasons many students and teachers find Poetry difficult are
manifold. J. P. Clark, an article on ‘’The Communication Line Between poet and
Public” puts his finger on one of the main reasons why moderns African poetry
is so forbidding for readers
But more often than not, the fault in this
failure of communication is traceable not to the poet but to the public. The
average reader and teacher of poetry in Nigeria, trained only in the
appreciation of traditional English poetry, exhibits very strong reactions
against modern Nigerian poetry, indeed against all modern poetry, and therefore
easily accommodate novelty. Possessed of reflexes conditioned as those of
Pavlov’s dog, he reacts readily to any item out of the double vistas of the
classics and the Bible, which according to Grierson inform English poetry. But
the slightest reference to the religion, history and oral tradition of his own
peoples leaves him sniffing at once for explanations.
reflexes which Clark diagnoses are superficial and eclectic, lacking in proper
foundation, in as much as the counters are not adequately grasped and therefore
cannot be functionally and independently applied outside their original
context. The best way to eliminate the problem is by a complete orientation
upon application of ICT towards instruction.
literature teachers in secondary schools realize the importance of evaluation
in teaching and learning. Much experimentation in measuring the ability to
interpret and react has been attempted in recent years, but since the factors
affecting responses to literature are so varied, the teachers will certainly
never achieve the same refinement of measurement they can achieve in testing
the rate of comprehension. Whatever happens, growth in the vital areas of
literature-learning can be evaluated if teachers will be more painstaking in
their preparation of tests and ensure that their test reflect all the
objectives of teaching and learning literature.
group method has gained many grounds in the teaching of literature especially
via ICT. Observation has shown that this approach is not used in the teaching
of literature in general, and poetry in particular. The occasional use of the
group method enables the teacher to spend more time with the weaker students.
Group work is very vital in the teaching of poetry because apart from aiding
learning, it instills confidence into children, and gives room for variation
there by arousing interest.
great flaw noticed in the teaching of poems in secondary schools is that
creativity. Of all the schools visited, only two encourage creativity. Creativity
in classroom situation is therefore not existent. This unfortunate situation
arises because the teaching of poetry in schools, takes no cognizance of
creativity. To improve and bring variation into the teaching of poetry, various
expression works should be used in teaching situations. Such expression works
include: demonstration and imitation of characters, interpreting drawn
sketches, making life charts of the hero, role-playing, reporting, and writing
simple literary works. Teachers of literature especially poetry must therefore
encourage creativity if they are to succeed at making poetry studies through
ICT as a discipline that would stimulate exercise and train the students.
observations made during visits to some schools, it was found that teachers
never give students outlines to guide their reading. Outlines are very helpful
while reading foreign literary materials. The use of outlines through social
media could be essential to direct students’ attention to most vital aspects or
incidents; this will help in the teaching of poetry in the lower classes.
is very important, if the study of poetry is to have permanent effect on the
students. To arouse interest, each poem must be introduced in an interesting
way so as to encourage the children to read it.
Any of the ICT tools could be used to read or sing out any of the songs.
Students will be more interested if lessons are introduced in different ways.
As a result, modern poetry communicates and works
together with the arts, intervenes into their field, while the arts take
advantage of poetry for their own purposes. Poetry cannot be read only with the
eyes; words have sounds that constitute the indispensable element of the poetic
speech. The sound contributes to the enjoyment, provokes
association of ideas, images, underlines the musicality of the text and reminds
the connection among poetry and music (Elliot, 1982). The choice we made to
involve music in our proposal and take advantage of its benefits, rely on the
strong relation and the positive attitude students have towards music,
especially songs. Songs come first in the
life of a child and still popular, so that the communicative effectiveness is
beyond question (Kaplani, P.56, 2006).
secondary school students do not read enough literary works, for they only
concentrate on the set poems. This habit prevents extensive reading which
literature should encourage at the secondary school level. To encourage private
reading therefore, an e-library should be provided in addition to the visible
or school library.
is important to stress that one basic obstacle that stands in the way of an
intelligent appreciation of Nigerian poetry is the superficial knowledge of
what we may call the elements of poetry, some of which are rhyme, rhythm and
metre, however ICT application in handling such aspects will be fascinating and
hitch free in comprehending above mention concepts or points.
A study conducted by Hirvela and Boyle shows that the main aspects
causing particular trouble in literary reading including interpretation of
theme, vocabulary, cultural differences, literary style and structure. Consequently,
teaching and learning English literature for EFL students seems difficult since
the EFL students have lack of language proficiency and inadequate supply of
teaching to comprehend better and easily any literary text. According to
previous studies, most EFL students have negative attitude towards reading
English literary books. Therefore, teaching and learning English literature may
need the integration of a new tool that is the integration of ICT. There are
numerous benefits in using ICTs in teaching English literature which are of
great importance to improve reading interest among students. The use of visual aids
in teaching literary texts creates strong engagement between students and the
texts. The use of ICTs such as pictures, videos and projectors encourage
students to read the literary texts with interest, which make it easier for
them to understand the abstract ideas in the text.
This means while teaching them students supposed to be transformed
from the era of writing to the era of images so as to attract learners’
attention to read and engage in such genres. ICTs can facilitate teaching
literature by doing away boredom and making the student interested in what is being
taught. A motivated reader is the one who has fun and excitement about what he
is reading; students have to enjoy the book they are supposed to read.
The integration of ICTs can motivate and keep the students engaged
because ICT tools work at different levels- the students can have an
opportunity to see, read, visualize, hear, ponder, discuss, interact and learn.
This can be achieved through various means involving ICT.
Findings and
An experiment was formulated to collect data. The data collection
instrument was observing two literature teachers by the researcher. Firstly the
participants in group A were taught a literary text with the use of ICTs while
group B were taught the same literary text without the use of ICT tools in
order to answer the research questions. The teacher with group A taught the
students the romantic poem adopting different types of ICT tools.
The teacher put up on screen the poem through slide shows accompanied
by its corresponding painting. This widely simplified the poem for the learners
who seemed more interested in learning such literary text. Another ICT tool
used by the teacher was an audio version which was played where the poem was
recited by the native speaker. This listening to the poem’s recitation would
help making an impact on the minds of the students and would enjoy responding
to it. T he picture of the poet was also shown and other different pictures in
varied settings which were related to the poet’s biography, and while the
pictures were played, the biographical details were discussed by the teacher
similarly in order to give a feeling of the romantic
The combination effect of the visual and hearing aids would make
students experienced what is being taught. In the second and third sessions,
the themes images and movement of the poem were discussed through the different
slides boring. As it was observed there was no motivation among the students to
response to the poem. Indeed most of the students didn’t share any answers.
This demonstrates that the
absence of ICT tools in teaching English literary texts cause lack of
motivation among students.
The observation results revealed that the method used in teaching
the poem with group A, that is the integration of ICT tool, effectively
motivated the students. As it was
observed that the visual aids of the voice clips used to recite the poem
presentation of the poem including the corresponding pictures and painting,
boosted and motivated
the students to response to the poem successfully and in a short time after the
start of the lecture. The students seemed interested in reading the text. This
was illustrated by the students’ responses to the poem when the majority of
them shared their answers of the designed activities given by the teacher at
the end of the classroom and they created
communicative conversation. This is because the use of the audio version in
reciting the poem was effective.
All this demonstrates that the visual and audio aids provided
enhanced the students’ motivation to learn English literature since they
contributed to make the students interested in reading the poem and understand
the abstract ideas in the poem because these tools simplified and facilitated
the most difficult genre in literature that is poetry.
On the other hand, the observation
results gathered during teaching the same lecture by the same teacher with
group B revealed that the absence of the ICT tools in teaching the poem made
the students felt bored. The students seemed not interested in learning the
literary text that it seemed boring. As it was observed there was no motivation
among the students to response to the poem. Indeed most of the students didn’t
share any answers. This demonstrates that the absence of ICT tools in teaching
English literary texts cause lack of motivation among students.
The first questionnaire results analysis showed that the majority
of students have high positive attitude towards the use of ICT tools in
learning literature. The results
demonstrated that (60%) to (70%) of the students in group A agreed on the use
of ICT tools. From this, it could be interpreted that the students felt
positive towards the use of the visual aids during the lecture. A high
percentage of students agreed (69%) and strongly agreed (19.3%) on the item ‘’I
like learning the literature component with the use of ICT’’ and (69%) of the
students agreed and (19.3%) strongly agreed on the item ‘’Using ICTs has
improved my language skills’’. And (66.3%) of the students agreed and (30.7%) strongly
agreed on the item ‘’Using ICTs in learning literature is interesting” and
(64%) agreed and (14.4%) strongly agreed on the item ‘’ It is beneficial to use
ICTs to learn literature”. This demonstrates that students like learning
literature with
the integration of ICTs and that they are aware of its importance in
facilitating literature. This was probably because students realized that
learning literature visually
helped them in their personal growth, cultural enrichment and most importantly
language development. This is supported by the following items that showed a
majority of the students above (80%) disagreed on ‘’I like learning literature
component without the use of ICTs’’, ‘’Literature can be taught effectively
without the use of ICTs ‘’. This
means that students are of great need to the use of ICTs in teaching
Table 1. Students’ attitudes for the use of ICT tools in learning
literature components.
Number Item SD D A SA |
1. Learning Literature is fun 6 (21.6%) 21 (64%) 3 (14.4%) 2. Using ICT in learning literature is interesting 3 (14.4%) 23 (66.3%) 4 (19.3%) 3. It is beneficial using ICT to learn literature 6 (21.6%) 21 (64%) 3 (14.4%) 4. Using ICT has improved my language skills 2 (12%) 24 (69.3%) 4 (19.4%) 5. My teachers use ICT in teaching literature 6 (21.6) 20 (59.1%) 4 (19.3%) 6. I like learning the literature 2
(12%) 24 (69%) 4 (19.3%) 7. I like learning the component without the use of ICT tools 4
(19.3%) 22 (61.4%) 4 (19.3%) 8. Literature can be taught effectively without the use of ICT 4 (19.3%) 22 (61.4%) 4 (19.3%)
KEY- SD: Strongly Disagree, D: Disagree, A: Agree, SA: Strongly
The second questionnaire results revealed that students were in
negative attitudes for learning English literature without the use of ICTs.
Despite the fact that they believed
‘’Literature is important’’ (69.3%) agreed and (19.3%) strongly agreed as well
as “I like learning the literature component “students found ‘’English
literature is difficult’’
(59.1%) agreed and ‘’English literature is hard to understand’’ (64%). This
might imply that students need a suitable tool to be interested in reading
literary text to better their
understanding. This is illustrated by the item “I like learning the literature
component with ICTs’’ whereby (66.3%) agreed and (21.6%) strongly agreed. This
demonstrates that absence of ICT tools in learning English literature leads to the absence of motivation
(69.3%) of students disagreed on ‘’my teacher use ICTs in teaching literary
texts’’. Perhaps the students knew that learning English literature effectively
needs the use of visual and audio version to be easily understood.
Consequently, motivation among students could be enhanced in reading literary
texts by the use of visual aids.
As it was argued by Chacko, learning literature is not easy. Due to that,
students should look up for alternatives in order to engage themselves better
in the lesson. Muller (2006)
claimed that the use of films, for instance, helps the students to visualize
clearly the literary theory and cultural aspects embedded in the texts. Moreover,
literature deals a lot with abstract ideas and thus it really needs the
students to do a lot of critical analysis.
Table 2. Students’ attitudes for learning literature components
without ICTs.
Number Item
1. Learning Literature is fun 6 (21.6%) 21(64%) 3 (14.4%) 2. English literature is important 2
(12%) 24(69.3%) 4 (19.3% 3. English literature is boring and not interesting 2 (12%) 23 (66.3%) 4 (19.3%) 4. Learning English literature is difficult 6 (21.6%) 20 (59.1%) 4 (19.3%) 5. English literature is hard to understand 6
(21.6%) 21(64%) 3(14.4%) 6. My teachers use ICT in teaching literature 3(14.4%) 24(69.3%) 3(14.4%) 7. I like learning literature 4(19.3%)
24(69.3%) 2(12%) 8. I like learning the literature component with ICT 1(12.1%) 23(66.3%) 6(21.6%) |
KEY- SD: Strongly Disagree, D: Disagree, A: Agree, SA: Strongly
The findings of this study are useful not
only for the lecturers who teach students of English literature and trainee teachers
at the teacher training colleges, universities and
other educational institutes, but also to the teacher of English at schools.
This study investigates using the visual aids to improve students’ motivation
in reading English literature.
It was found that the teachers’ integration of ICTs in teaching English
literature lectures had a great impact in motivating students to read literary
texts since teacher’s implementation of visual aids in teaching helps their students
concentrate on the lecture and being aware of the expectations and needs in literature
teaching. When the teachers know how to grab students’ attention, teachers can
provide a friendly and interesting atmosphere for the students to learn. Using
ICT tools such as power point slides and audio version was valuable in
addressing learners’ needs such as language difficulty.
The traditional lecture method in teaching literature component
made students not feel interested in learning it. Furthermore, the integration
of ICTs in teaching English literature is less time consuming. As a result, the
teachers will have more ample time to create enjoyable classroom activities and
conduct an effective teaching learning process.
Through ICT, problems of the students can be attended to easily.
The way online shopping sites respond to customer grievances, through ICT
student grievances too can be answered.
Teaching is an art but it can be definitely effectively improved
with the help of science i.e. ICT. A lot of efforts have been put to harness
the utilities of ICT in the field of education in general but very few in the
teaching of English literature particularly.
English literature can be taught with a great ease and joy with
the help of ICT to suit students‟ needs and
interests. Therefore, more research is required to support pedagogical use of
ICT for improving teaching of English literature.
So, let’s promote teaching of
English literature with ICT for understanding it more effectively, more
interestingly and, ultimately, more successfully.
Thus we may conclude that ICT is an important tool which has the
potential to make the teaching and learning of ‘traditional’ subjects like
English literature or to be broader, literature in any language a lived experience.
It would help in revitalizing the importance of such subjects by various means.
The appealing communicative
aspect of technology could be incorporated
in the learning process that is why we propose to create “the blog of poetry
class” where students can participate in a virtual readers’ community
throughout the duration of the project.
When students post their
creations and at the same time have the opportunity to comment on somebody
else’s publication, they are educated as writers and readers. Alternatively,
the multimedia creations can be applauded on social networks or emailed, so
that poetry becomes the common ground of commentary and communication.
From the findings of this study, both groups were aware that ICT
tools facilitate and motivate learning English literature even though it is
difficult to learn. Here are some
implications in literature: ICT provides changes in literature teaching
from a traditional text- based learning to text plus multimedia The use of multimedia
creates an opportunity for teachers to recast their own understanding of the
role text in the teaching and learning of literature, and, accordingly, their own
beliefs about and roles on teaching and learning process.
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AsiaCall Online Journal
(October 2009): 4.1.
ENGLISH: You are warmly invited to share your comments or ask questions regarding this post or related topics of interest. Your feedback serves as evidence of your appreciation for our hard work and ongoing efforts to sustain this extensive and informative blog. We value your input and engagement.
HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.