

Prof. Yakubu Aliyu Gobir (Professor of Hausa Culture)

Brief Profile of Prof. Yakubu Aliyu Gobir

Academic Background
Prof. Yakubu Aliyu Gobir is a distinguished scholar in the field of Hausa Culture, achieving the rank of Professor in July 2022. He began his education at Town Primary School Sabon Birni and continued through various institutions, earning his Ph.D. in Hausa Studies from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, in 2012.

Professional Appointments
Prof. Gobir's career spans multiple teaching and administrative roles. He began his career in education with the Local Government Education Authority, progressing through positions in the Ministry of Education in Sokoto, Shehu Shagari College of Education, and eventually Usmanu Danfodiyo University. He has served in significant academic and administrative roles, including Acting Head of Department, Postgraduate Coordinator, and Deputy Dean of Students.

Teaching and Research
Throughout his career, Prof. Gobir has been deeply involved in teaching and research. He has taught a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses focused on Hausa language, literature, and culture. His research contributions include numerous papers presented at national and international conferences, with a particular focus on the cultural and linguistic aspects of Hausa society.

Supervision and Mentorship
Prof. Gobir has supervised a substantial number of undergraduate and postgraduate theses, guiding students in topics ranging from Hausa folklore to the influence of Islam on traditional practices. His mentorship has significantly contributed to the academic growth of his students and the broader field of Hausa studies.

Editorial and Administrative Roles
He has also held various editorial and administrative positions, including co-editing academic journals and serving on numerous university committees. His administrative contributions have been integral to the development of academic programs and policies at Usmanu Danfodiyo University.

Recognition and Impact
Prof. Gobir is widely recognized for his expertise in Hausa culture, playing a pivotal role in the preservation and promotion of Hausa language and traditions through his teaching, research, and public engagements. His work continues to influence the study and understanding of Hausa culture in Nigeria and beyond.



1. Education Tax Fund ƊE.T.F.ɗ Factor in Financing Education in Nigeria”. Being a Joint Paper presented at the 5th National Conference on Trends in Educational Planning and Management in Nigeria, at A.B.U Zaria Aug. 2006.

2. Gobir, Y.A., “Koyar da Ƙa’idojin Rubutu da Karatu a Harshen Hausa (How to Teach Hausa Orthography in Primary Schools.” Being a paper presented at a re-orientation workshop for Language Teachers, organized by E.T.F in Collaboration with S.S.C.O.E. at FGGC Zaria, Kaduna State, 1st – 5th Sept, 2006.

3. Dubarun Koyar da Harshen Hausa a Makarantun Furamare da Ƙananan Makarantun Sakandare a Jihar Kabi.( The Methodology of Teaching Hausa Language at Primary and JSS Levels)” Being a paper presented at a workshop organized by U.B.E for Primary and JSS teachers in Kebbi State, 2/06/2009.

4. Gobir, Y.A., “The Implementation of Ajami New Approach in the Tertiary Institutions of Northern Nigeria.” Being a paper presented at an International workshop titled: “Regional Workshop on Writing African Languages in Qur’anic Script (Ajami) with the Aid of Computer organized by ISSESCO, at University of Abuja, 8th -12th June, 2009.

5. Gobir, Y.A., “Duties and Responsibilities of Primary School Teacher in Contemporary Time”: Being a paper presented at a workshop organized by U.B.E for Primary and JSS teachers in Sokoto State, 10/12/2009.

6. Gobir, Y.A., “Iska A Tunanin Bahaushe A Ƙarni Na 21st”. Takardar da aka gabatar a taron qara wa juna sani na qasa na farko a kan Harshe da Adabi da Al’adun Hausawa a Cibiyar Nazarin Harsunan Nijeriya, Jami’ar Bayero, Kano, daga ranar Litinin 14 Janairu zuwa Laraba 16, 2013.

7. Gobir, Y.A. & Koko, H.S., “The Perception of Pre-Islamic Hausa People on Death: A Case Study of Hausa Superstitions. Being a paper presented at the International Conference on Dying, Death and the Politics of After-Death in the African World organized by School of General Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, April, 22-24, 2013.

8. Gobir, Y.A., “Harshe Da Tsaron Ƙasa: (Makamin Harshe da Al’ada Ga Jami’an Tsaron Iyakokin Ƙasar Nijar da Nijeriya): Muƙalar da aka gabatar a taron ƙara wa juna sani na ƙasa da ƙasa don girmamawa ga Shehun Malami, Masanin Harsunan Duniya, Marigayi Farfesa Muhammad Hambali Jinju, a Fadar Mai Martaba Sultan Na Yamai a Jamhuriyar Nijar, daga Laraba 19 zuwa Juma’a 21 ga watan Fabrairu, 2014.

9. Gobir, Y.A., “Da abinmu Aka Gan mu... Darussan Haɗin Kai Daga Al’adun Hausawa.” Being a paper presented at 1st National Conference, theme: The Role of Langauge, History and Religion in the Development, Integration and Security of Nigeria, organized by the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, November 2015. 1st – 3rd Maris, 2016.

10. Gobir, Y.A. “Ko Bayan Tiya Akwai Wata Caca: Gwarzantakar Bagobiri Mai Faci A Sakkwato”. Being a paper presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference on the theme: “The Heroes and Heroines of Hausa land.” Organized by the Department of Language and Linguistics, Kaduna State University, 2nd – 5th June, 2016.

11. Gobir, Y.A. “Waibuwar Kabawa A Fagen Tsaro Da Kare Kabanci.” Being a paper presented at the 2nd National Conference on the theme: History, People, Religion and Culture of Kebbi Kingdom Since 1515, organized by Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 10th July, 2017.

12. Gobir, Y.A & Sani, Abu-Ubaida, “Modern Slavery in the Hausa Folk: Traces from the Hausa Home Videos”. Being a paper presented at the 1st International Conference of the West African Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (WAACLALS) on Slavery and Post-Colonial Dis/Engagement, to be held at University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria, between 19th and 22nd February, 2018.

13. Gobir, Y.A. & Sade, Abubakar, “Danganatakar Katsinawa da Gobirawa”. Being a paper presented at the 1st International Conference on ‘Gobir Kingdom- Past and Present: Transformation and Change’, organized by Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Between 9th July 2018 and 13th July 2018.

14. Gobir, Y.A & Sani, Abu-Ubaida, “Witchcraft in the Light of Hausa Culture and Religion”. Being a paper presented at the 2018 Fela Anikulapo Kuti International Conference on African Homelands and Social Theory, themed: “Religion – State Relationship in Post-Colonial Africa: Issues, Context and Perspectives” held at the University of Ibadan between 9th t& 12th October, 2018.

15. Gobir, Y.A. “Tsofaffin Al’adun Hausawa A Cikin Waƙoƙin Narambaɗa”. Being a paper presented at International Conference, in honour of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, Theme: The Life History, Wisdom and Contributions of Ibrahim Narambaɗa Tubali on Hausa Studies, organized by Centre for Research in Nigerian Languages, Translation and Folklore, in collaboration with the Department of Nigerian Languages and Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, Bayero University Kano, between Sept. 15th and 17th, 2019.


1. Gobir, Y.A. (2011). Computerization and Preservation of West African Pre-Colonial Manuscripts: A Case Study of Hausa Ajami. In Odimele, O.-M et al, Language, Literature and Culture in a Multilingual Society, a Festschrift for Abubakar Rasheed. Published by Linguistics Association of Nigeria (LAN). PP353 – 363. ISBN: 978-33527-09-1.

2. Gobir, Y.A. and Jibrin U. (2012). Linguistic Politeness Game Theory, Peace and Conflict Resolution: In Amfani, A.H. et al (eds), Champion of Hausa Cikin Hausa, a Festschrift in Honour of Professor Dalhatu Muhammad, Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University Press. PP 189 – 200. ISBN: 2315-9820.

3. Gobir, Y.A. (2013). Tasirin Iskoki a Cikin Waƙoƙin Sata: Nazari Daga Waƙoƙin Gambu Mai Waƙar Ɓarayi. In a Book titled: Makaɗi a Mahangar Manazarta. Kano: Gidan Dabino Publishers. PP 163 – 176. ISBN: 978-8082-02-5.

4. Gobir, Y.A. (2013). Gaba Ta Koma Baya: Kutsen Bokanci Cikin Hidimar Ruƙiyya a Ƙasar Hausa. In Bunza, A.M. et al (eds) Excerpts of International Seminar on the Deterioration of Hausa Culture. Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited. PP 235 – 247, ISBN: 978-125-63-8.

5. Gobir, Y.A. (2013). Tubalan Iskoki A Ginin Littafin Ruwan Bagaja. In Bunza, A.M. and Noufal, M.A. (eds), Humanities in the Sub-Saharan World: Ruwan Bagaja in Perspectives: Eight Decades of a Hausa Masterpiece in Prose (1933-2013). Published by Institute of African Research and Studies, University of Cairo, Egypt. (Special Edition). . PP 479 – 494. ISBN: 978-125-481-5.

6. Gobir, Y.A. 2013. Najasa A Mahaɗin Maganin Iska. In Journal of Harsunan Nijeriya.Vol. XXIII, (Special Edition). Bayero University Kano. PP 364 – 375. ISBN: 1116-0691.

7. Gobir, Y.A. (2015). Adabin Ruƙiyya a Goshin Ƙarni Na Ashirin Da Ɗaya: Waiwayar Tarihi da Diddigin Bunƙasar Ruƙiyya a Yau. In Algaita: Journal of Current Research in Hausa Studies (Special Edition), Vol. 1 No.1. Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited. PP 77 – 92. ISSN: 2141-9434.

8. Gobir, Y.A. (2015). ‘Gobir’ Wani Jigo A Ƙasar Hausa: Waiwayon Tarihi da Diddigin Masarautun Gobir. In Malumfashi, A.M. et al (eds) The Hausa People, Language and History: Past, Present and Future. Kaduna: Garkuwa Publishing Limited. PP 481 – 486. ISBN: 978-978-956-1698.

9. Gobir, Y.A. (2015). The Incorporation of Writing African Languages in Ajami with the Aid of Computer. In Proceedings of International Seminar on Arabic Manuscripts in West Africa: Preservation and Publication. Organized by the Department of Arabic, Usmanu Ɗanfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria, in collaboration with the International Academic Union, Brussels – Belgium PP 26 – 37. ISBN: 978-978-936-681-1.

10. M.D. Mahmud & Gobir, Y.A. (2015). The Theme of Law, Crime and Justice in the Rhetorical Hausa Songs of Muhammadu Gambo. In Journal of Harsunan Nijeriya, Journal of Nigerian Languages and Folklore, Vol. XXV. Bayero University Kano. PP 71– 79. ISBN: 1116-0691.

11. Gobir, Y.A. (2016). Hulɗar Soyayya Tsakanin Ɗan Adam da Iska, in Ɗegel, The Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. ISSN: 0794-9416 vol. 13. PP 131 – 140. http://www.degeljournal.org  

12. Gobir, Y.A. (2017). Kimiyyar Sarrafa Maganin Iska a Gargajiyance, in Yobe Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, Department of African Languages and Linguistics, Yobe State University, ISSN: 2449-0660. PP 258-265.

13. Gobir, Y. A. & Sani, A-U. 2017. A Focus on Hausa Folklore and Culture: Why Madness and Mental Trouble? In (Mu’azu, A., Mukhtar, I., Yakasai, H.M. (eds) Studies in Hausa Traditional Medicine. Centre for Research in Nigerian Languages, Translation and Folklore, Bayero University Kano. PP 70 -81. ISSN: 1116-0691.

14. Gobir, Y.A. & Sani, A-U. (2018). Tasirin Finafinai A Kan Al’adun Hausawa: Keɓɓɓen Nazari a Kan Wasu Ɗabi’u Na Musamman a Cikin Finafinan Hausa. In Mu’azu M.A. et al, Language Communication and Society: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Bamidele Rotimi Badejo. PP 1146 – 1160. ISBN: 9783862888580 Germany: Muenchen, 682pp. 2018. available online at: http://www.lincom-shop.eu/LE-114-Language-Communication-and-Society-Vol-2  

15. Gobir, Y. A. & Sani, A-U. (2018). Traces of Supernatural in Hausa Oral Songs: A Special Reference to Dr. Mamman Shata. In International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research5, Issue 04, PP 3755-3760. ISSN: 2350-0743. Available on: https://www.ijramr.com/issue/traces-supernatural-hausa-oral-songs-special-reference-dr-mammanshata  

16. Gobir, Y. A. & Sani, A-U. (2018). The Jinn, Women Vulnerabilities and The Act of Healings In The Hausa Communities of 21st Century. In IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS, Volume 23, Issue 1, Ver. 5. PP 67-73 e-ISSN: 2279-0837,p-ISSN:2279-0845. Available at: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jhss/papers/Vol.%2023%20Issue1/Version-5/K2301056773.pdf   

17. Gobir, Y. A. & Sani, A-U. (2018). Hoton Waibuwar Hausawa a Cikin Waƙoƙin Mamman Shata. In Gusau, S.M. et al (eds), Studies in the Songs of Dr. Mamman Shata Katsina. Department of Nigerian Languages, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina. PP 189-204. ISBN-978-987-5588-2-4

18. Gobir, Y. A. & Sani, A-U. (2019). Witchcraft in the Light of Hausa Culture and Religion, Academic Journal of Current Research An official Publication of Center for International Research Development Double Blind Peer and Editorial Review International Referred Journal; Globally index Available www.cird.online/AJCR: E-mail: AJCR@CIRD.ONLINE

19. Gobir, Y. A. (2020). Barazanar Cutukan Iskoki Ga Lafiyar Matan Hausawa a Ƙarni na 21, in Al-Nebras, International Academic Journal, 4th Edition, vol. 2. Faculty of Humanities, Sule Lamido, University, Kafin Hausa Jigawa State-Nigeria. ISSN: 2705-1501 online ISSN: 9876-5432 Print. https://www.slu.edu.ng/journals/al-nebras. PP 17 - 27.

20. Gobir, Y.A & Sani, Abu-U. (2020). Yaƙin Zaune: Finafinai a Matsayin Makamin Yaƙar Tunanin Al’umma. In Journal of Linguistics, Language and Culture.vol.7, No.1. ISSN (Print): 2408-5421, ISSN (online): 2465-6801. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Prof. Yakubu ALiyu Gobir

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HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.