Street Football

    RULE 1:

    The fat kid was always the goalkeeper.

    RULE 2:

    The owner of the ball decides who plays.

    RULE 3:

    The one who is not picked was responsible to fetch the ball when it got out of play in order to play the next game.

    RULE 4:

    When the owner of the ball got annoyed, it is then game over.

    RULE 5:

    You can't dribble the owner of the ball too much, this may lead him to stop the game by taking away his ball.

    RULE 6:

    No offsides and there was no referee.

    RULE 7:

    The two best players cannot play in the same team, so they challenge themselves and pick others.

    RULE 8:

    If you are chosen last it means you're not good and you will remain in defense. 

    RULE 9:

    The best player is always in the same team as the owner of the ball.

    RULE 10:

    There's always a house where when the ball fell in there, we knew the game is over. So be careful.

    RULE 11:

    The game will only be over when it is dark and we could barely see the ball. 

    RULE 12:

    Others were calling themselves Ronaldo and Messi but they were defenders😂

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