My neighbor woke up yesterday and swept the whole compound, washed all the plates in his kitchen and curtains.
This is somebody that I stopped entering his room due to how stuffy it is.
Later in the afternoon, he asked me to follow him to the market and help him choose a fine color of bed sheet for him.
At this point, I knew something was fishy. After buying the bedsheets, we headed to the food stuff section and bought Rice, beans, fried rice ingredients, a carton of noodles, and a set of provisions.
On our way home, we stopped at a cold room and got a full chicken. All these expenses got me amused.
A lot of thought kept running in my mind, At a point, I even suspected he had joined Yahoo. No wonder he stopped attending church.
This is somebody that has been crying for hardship for months and here he is spending as if the 30 million for White money was mistakenly given to him.
I asked him the secret behind all this buying and spending but all he could say was, you won't understand.
We got home and he hurriedly prepared a bowl of delicious fried rice with chicken on top. I knew it was delicious from the aroma.
Later in the evening, he came to me requesting my phone which I gave cheerfully hoping to eat fried rice later.
A few minutes later he came back complaining my phone refused to log in to Facebook, likewise his too..
I collected my phone and we kept trying till we both slept off in my room... Facebook refused to log in....
The notifications on his phone woke us this morning with countess messages...
One of the messages says....
You are heartless... You made me travel from Borno to Abuja just to pass the night under the bridge... Don't even try reaching me again. I'm blocking you right away.
Oga later confessed to having found his love on Facebook and had sent money to her for a visit but Facebook which is their point of communication refused to log.
He concluded by regretting not collecting her number at first and then ended by cursing the owner of Facebook..
As I speak now, we have fried rice, a carton of noodles, a bed sheet and so many things for sale 🙂
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HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.