Thanks giving Sunday

     Drama at church ...  

    Last Sunday, our pastor announced that everybody should bring an item from any of their occupation to church, that this sunday was thanksgiving and auctioning Sunday. 

    Meaning, if you are a farmer, you bring any of your crop to church, same thing applies to teachers, lawyers, doctors, so on and so fort. 

    Me being a trader, I brought one carton of indomie as thanksgiving. The hardship in naija no allow me do more. 

    As the service was going on, we heard a noise at the entrance door of the church, we all turned towards the door like we were being controlled. 

    Behold, we saw this man who was struggling to get a casket through the door, he succeeded though,. The man carried the casket to the alter where all the items brought by others were kept. Turned out he was a coffin maker. 

    We were all shocked 😲, even the pastor wasn't exempted. Like why would he decide to bring a coffin to church even if was a maker of it. He could have atleast brought something like wood used in the making of these caskets. 

    So, after the service was over, it was finally time for the auctioning of the items brought by the children of God.

    Everyone kept dodging the casket, nobody wanted to buy the casket. 

    Just at that moment, a rich man stood up and auctioned the casket for the sum of 100,000 naira. Come see clap, even the pastor joined in the clapping. The clap shook the church to the foundation, we were all relieved 😥, at last someone bought the casket. 

    But that was when the real drama started..

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