This text is one of the many fatwa (answers to questions based on authentic Islamic provisions) that are made available by Malam Khamis Yusuf. You can follow him on Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp.
Please, Malam, I need you to describe for me how Janaba bath is done because it’s not long that I became an adult.
Well, My brother, Janaba is a ruling that occurs due to one of two things: Either a person dreams and discharges a semen or has a sexual intercourse with his wife. All these phenomenons obligate (Janaba) bath. Janaba bath is of two forms. Whichever one you take is correct.
1. The form that is more appropriate is the one that came in the Hadith of Nana Aisha – That whenever the Prophet (S.A.W) comes to perform Janaba bath, he starts by washing his hands; then he washes his private part with a left hand, then he performs ablution without washing his legs, then he takes water three times and poured it on his hair, after that, he poured the remaining (water) in his body, then he washes his legs.” – Bukhari and Muslim.
2. There is again, the second form which came in the hadith of Ummu-Salama. When the Prophet (S.A.W) was describing a Janaba bath for her, where he said to her: “It’s enough for you to pour water on your head three times, then you pour it all over your body, if you surely do that, you’re purified.”
Dr. Jamilu Yusuf Zarewa
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