If one kisses their spouse whilst fasting or watches indecent films and programs, after which there appears pre-seminal fluid, does he have to make up his fast?


    If one kisses their spouse whilst fasting or watches indecent films and programs, after which there appears pre-seminal fluid, does he have to make up his fast?


    Prostatic fluid secretion does not invalidate one's fast. This is the strongest of the two opinions on this issue. Whether it is a result of him kissing his wife, watching lewd films, or any other affair that raises and builds the desires, the fast is not broken.

    However, it is impermissible to watch indecent and lewd films. It is also impermissible to listen to that which Allaah has prohibited from music and it's like.

    As for in the case when one ejaculates due to proactively building sexual desires, this invalidates the fast.

    This is the ruling, whether it is as a result of kissing, intimacy, repetitive viewing, or anything that excites the desires like masturbation, etc. However, if this occurs through one's thoughts and pondering or if the emission is nocturnal, this does not invalidate the fast, even if he ejaculates.

    And Allah knows best








    Question and Answers in Islam

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