Glowing Hausa: A Language of Culture and Evolution

    In the North, there's a language so rich
    So ancient, with a story to teach
    Evolved through time, with countless tales
    A language so unique, no other pales 

    Hausa, Hausa
    A language that's ever-growing
    With words so deep, and phrases worth knowing
    A language that's still glowing
    Hausa, Hausa
    Evolving with each passing day
    A language so bright, it leaves you in awe to say

    From the times of the Kingdoms of old
    To modernity, it's never grown cold
    Spoken by millions, both young and old
    It's part of an identity in a stronghold

    Hausa, Hausa
    A language that's ever-growing
    With words so deep, and phrases worth knowing
    A language that's still glowing
    Hausa, Hausa
    Evolving with each passing day
    A language so bright, it leaves you in awe to say

    From Kano to Zaria, Sokoto to Katsina
    The Hausa language has always been a core
    From the Hausa/Fulani to those all-day grinders
    It's a language of culture, tradition and much more

    Hausa, Hausa
    A language that's ever-growing
    With words so deep, and phrases worth knowing
    A language that's still glowing
    Hausa, Hausa
    Evolving with each passing day
    A language so bright, it leaves you in awe to say

    From the marketplace to the palace walls
    The Hausa language is never one to fall
    With each generation, it grows and blooms
    A heritage for us all, to treasure and consume.



    Muhammad Arabi Umar
    Department of Languages and Cultures,
    Federal University Gusau, Nigeria

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