Analysis of rhetorical images in the shadows of feminist discourse in the light of the prophetic expression

Cite this article as: Al-Imam, U.M. & Jibrin, A.I. (2023). Morphophonological Study of Southern Bade Prefixes. Tasambo Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture, (2)2, 277-288.

Muhammad Lawal Al-Imam (Ph.D.)
Department of Arabic Studies,
Federal University of Lafia, Lafia, 

Phone Number: +238035190900


Ishaq Jibrin
of Arabic Studies,
Federal University of Lafia, Lafia,


The rhetorical fields depict the aspects of Prophetic miracle in his feminine discourse, which is distinguished by its artistic characteristics, and coordination of rhetorical witticism, at the peak of stylistic decorations, not neglecting their semantic purposes and linguistic characteristics, while arranging the resonant words to give attractive meanings of the bright ideas, known with the prophetic expression to serve as guidance and direction, argument and proof, wisdom and etiquette, in conformity with divine inspiration and generous revelation from ALLAH the Almighty, which has not been given to anyone before Him or after Him. This ranges from the splendor of eloquence, the quality of concept, the strength of meaning, and the strangeness of linguistic temper, until it became an immortal benchmark for all. This study analyzes scientific problems in view of discovering the way of renewal, that will help in establishing a new useful face, by following up on the linguistic and rhetorical advancement in our Arabic language and Islamic literature from the realm of the pure Prophethood. The importance of the article is imbibed in the analytical and applied methodology, heading towards the formation of the linguistic rhetorical divisions at the University of Muhammad, a great model that stimulated the mental and gustatory life, with a flexible formulation, a charming tenderness, in derivation and composition, arrangement and depiction, and describing its evidence in an accurate description, on the most brilliant verses that ignite the outlets of consciousness. Nonetheless, the perceptions of criticism and taste were expanded, by refining every naivety of circumstances decisively, and the level of eloquence became a wonderful phenomenon with new waves of illuminating and inexhaustible currents.


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