Role of Letters in determining meanings in Arabic Sentences

Cite this article as: Mahmoud-Mukadam, A. (2023). دور حروف المعاني في تحديد معاني الجمل العربية: دراسة نحوية دلالية. Tasambo Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture, (2)2, 233-244.

Dr. Abdur-Rasheed Mahmoud-Mukadam
Department of Arabic, University of Ilorin, Ilorin.


The linguistic extenuation has shown that the letters have a profound effect on determining the meanings of Arabic sentences. Their task is not only to reconcile the structure but also to occupy a sensitive position in the completion of the Arabic word structure with its purposeful meaning. And these letters of different types and different meanings and the diversity of their work in the Arabic language works radically to prove the meaning of the time and exile in another time; if one takes another place in the expression; and to this importance, this paper attempts to study these types of characters and used in the expression to determine the extent their impact on changing meanings. The paper proceeds in this study according to the analytical method in which these linguistic minutes are revealed that enable these letters to be revealed when they are occupied in the folds of the structures with heterogeneity in meaning.

Keywords: Role; Letters, determining, meanings, Arabic Sentences

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