Habits that Show Improper Upbringing of Children

    Please, carefully look at the list below and identify where you may want to make amends on yourself or on the young ones you are bringing up.

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    Children, if not properly groomed may never get to the top in life, even if both parents are at the top of their careers.
    Manners take you to where your education can't irrespective of your status, wealth or your reach or influence:

    1) Going to your child's school indecently dressed. (Think again).

    2) Speaking rashly to your child's teacher.

    3) Cursing, using foul language or swearing words in front of your children.

    4) Using makeup on children.

    5) Dressing your little children up indecently (they lose their sense of Princesshood).

    6) Putting earrings on your son's ears.

    7) Your child holds the cup or glassware by the brim and you don't correct.

    8) Your children don't greet and you just feel they will come around one day because they have a mood swing. (You will be blamed for it).

    9) Your children eat with their mouth opened and you feel they will grow up someday.

    10) Your children bringing home something you did not buy for them and you say nothing. (that is the beginning of stealing).

    11) The Children talk back at you and you conclude it's okay since you are a 21st century Mummy. (You will hate yourself if they do that outside and they are disciplined).

    12) Children interrupt when you are speaking with another adult and you think they are bold and clever. (Its really bad manners).

    13) The Children exercising authority over the Nanny and domestic staff and you let them be. (that is bad parenting).

    14) Children saying things like "my driver is on his way..." I do not advocate that children should call your domestic staff Aunty or Brother, calling them by name when they are not young people is not proper either. The use of Miss, Mr or Mrs will look good on them.

    15) Your children don't say a 'thank you' when they have been helped or served something and you are cool with that. (Bad parenting).

    16) When your Children cannot stand children's who are less privileged.

    18) When the Children pick their noses with their hands.

    19) When the children don't wash their hands after visiting the washroom or after returning from school or outside visits.

    20) When your Children take something from the fridge without taking permission. (Bad parenting).

    21) When your Children don't knock on closed doors and wait for a response before opening the door.

    22) When your Children don't collect from your hands' items you brought in as you walk into your home.

    23) When your Children request for a bribe to carry out their home chores or extra task. (That is disgraceful).

    24) When your children act like their Grandparents irritate them. (It's a Transferable Curse).

    25) When your children have not learned to get up from the Chair for the Elderly or Visitors to sit.

    26) When your Children tells a lot of Lies. (You will both cry in the future).

    27) When your Children ask "who is that?" at a knock on your door instead of "please, may I know who is there."

    28) When your Children is always seated by your Visitors when being served Drinks or Food.

    29) When your Children still point their fingers at other people, when talking to or speaking about them.

    30) When your Children play and jump around when Prayers are going on. (These can apply to Children from Ages 4 and Above). This is very rude & rotten parenting. Such a parent is a shame to herself. Teach your children at home,  it's very frustrating to have your children make noise while prayers or preachings r going on. May d Lord help us parents to stop being irresponsible. 

    Don't be a 21st Century Parent who can't correct their children. You leave your children to jump on beds, sofas at your house, & they carry this personality to other people's houses whom you visit. They open fridges at other people's houses,  jump on sofas, break glasses & you do not even stop your child. Go ahead,  destroy them so they will fail their future.  Train your Children in the way of the Lord so that when they grow up they will not depart from such Godly Training or Upbringing. 


    Please circulate to all Parents and Grandparents.

    God Bless You...!!!

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