Isn't One Holocaust Enough For Mankind?

Isn't One Holocaust Enough For Mankind?

In the red corner!
A 21st Century G stands
Well trained, well equipped
In sophisticated weaponry
Plus a jam packed arsenal
Add stocked nuclear warheads.

Superintelligence network
Sleek spies and infiltrators
Manless surveillance drones
Backed by superpowerful fund
AI powered latest battle invents
Invisible dome, as defence shield.

All against an ant, a David anew
In the blue corner, courage filled
A boy, still with a stone in a sling
Denied all access to self defense
Blocked off all living essentials to
Yet, feeds on hope for that one day.

All await a coming prophesy
History is on course to ensure
Hungry the body, full is the soul
Inspired to survive an aggression
Oppression, suppression, annihilation
75 years in the making, still yet unmade
Familiar songs, cries of pains and anguish.

But the resistance rages on
Sustained by sheer will power
At sight flicks, at heart sun flares
Valor refuses to submit to tyranny
That wants to buy peace with brutality
Knowing not, the price to pay is priceless.

Born into a cradle of explosives
Sit, crawl, walk, run in mine fields
Welcomed by sounds of air raids
As shells reduce lifestyle to rubbles
Kids bravely playing in fierce fire rains
Burning them not, on their ancestral land.

Raised to brace an open air prison
By her, whose husband is in captivity
Vacationing in hell, served pure torture
By worst racial discrimination witnesses
Who should be asking their conscience...
Isn't one Holocaust enough for mankind?

How can it ever be right?
To be given what belongs not
To the giver, but to its rightful owner
Only for the receiver to visit mayhems
On the innocent, thereby giving birth to
A justification for a destination, inevitable.

From the Archive of:

Malam Muhammad Tajajjini Tijjani
Lambar Waya: +2348067062960

©2023 Tijjani M. M.

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