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    If unusual becomes usual, what will happen to those who cannot adjust to basic global changes?
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    Many Africans are creative but not productive as a result of artificial limitations.
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    A yau, mutane sun gwammaci a yabe su su lalace a kan a ƙalubalance su su samu nasara! (Sani, A-U. 2024)
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    In today's unfortunate societies, people who know their rights and claim them are tagged "disobedient." (Sani, A-U. 2024)
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    In the present-day world, individuals who exercise their rights and stand up for them are often stigmatized as 'disobedient'." (Sani, A-U. 2024)
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    If unusual becomes the norm, what fate awaits those who cannot adapt to fundamental global shifts? (Sani, A-U. 2024)
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    In Africa, creativity flourishes, and yet productivity languishes under the weight of artificial constraints. (Sani, A-U. 2024).
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    Language: Hausa

    Bahaushe ya ce: "So hana ganin laifi." Maƙiyi kuwa "ko ruwa ya faɗa sai a ce ya tayar da ƙura."
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    Hausa Postproverbial:

    Yau gare ka gobe ga waninka, deliget na magiya ga mai ƙanƙara.
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    Wanda ba shi da damuwa, sai ƙananan lamura su dame shi.
    Wanda ba shi da aiki, sai ƙananan batutuwa su aure shi. (Sani, A-U. 2024)
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    HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.