Prof. Abdullahi Bayero Yahya (Professor of Hausa Literature)

    About Prof. Abdullahi Bayero Yahya

    Prof. Abdullahi B. Yahya stands as a paragon of academic excellence and a beacon of cultural preservation within the sphere of Hausa literature and Nigerian academia. Over the course of several decades, he has made significant contributions to the academic community through his unwavering commitment to education, research, and community service. His dedication to preserving and promoting Hausa culture, language, and literature has earned him a distinguished reputation among scholars and cultural advocates alike. Prof. Yahya's career is a testament to his enduring passion for enriching the intellectual and cultural heritage of Nigeria, ensuring that future generations can appreciate and build upon this rich legacy.

    Shaihin Malami Abdullahi Bayero Yahya na
    Prof. Abdullahi Bayero Yahya

     Academic and Professional Background

    Prof. Abdullahi B. Yahya's academic journey commenced at Bayero University, Kano, a prestigious institution where he laid a solid foundation for his future academic and professional pursuits. His educational background at this renowned university equipped him with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in his chosen field. Following his graduation, Prof. Yahya embarked on a distinguished career at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Here, he served not only as an educator but also as a pivotal figure in the Department of Nigerian Languages, where his influence and contributions were deeply felt.

    Throughout his tenure at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Prof. Yahya's expertise and passion for Hausa literature were evident. He became renowned for his dedication to teaching and mentoring students, fostering a profound appreciation for Hausa language and literature. His love for teaching of Hausa took him to Sabha, Libya where he taught from 1997 to 2002. It was while there that he co-aurthored three Hausa texts for secondary schools students of that country. The texts, DARUSSAN HAUSA A LIBIYA 1 - 3 were co-authored with Qasim Bilal, a Libyan. His commitment to academic excellence is further reflected in his extensive body of work, which includes numerous publications that have significantly contributed to the scholarly understanding of Hausa literature. These publications have not only enriched the academic community but have also played a crucial role in preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the Hausa people. Prof. Yahya's scholarly contributions continue to serve as invaluable resources for students, researchers, and scholars in the field of Hausa studies. Among his indelible legacies in the university were his struggle in ensuring that Hausa courses are taught in Hausa in his department, the ZAUREN WAKA Journal of Hausa Poetry Studies the language of which articles must be in the Hausa Language, and his dogged insistence that he would only present his inaugural lecture as a professor for eight years from 2013 to 2021 when the university saw his wisdom and allowed him to have his way and this opened the door for other scholars.

    Contributions to Hausa Literature

    Prof. Abdullahi B. Yahya's scholarly contributions to Hausa literature are both diverse and impactful, reflecting his deep commitment to the study and preservation of this rich cultural heritage. His extensive research delves into various facets of Hausa oral and liteerate poetry, offering profound insights that have significantly enriched the academic discourse.

    Among his notable works is the paper "Madahu, Zikiri And Yabo Verse: Some Further Consideration on Style And Theme," which explores the intricacies of Hausa literate poetry. This research sheds light on the thematic and stylistic elements that characterize these poetic forms, providing a deeper understanding of their cultural significance and artistic expression. Another significant contribution is his work "Haliyya Cikin Waƙa," where Prof. Yahya examines the essence and nuances of traditional Hausa poetry, further highlighting its importance in the broader context of African oral literature.

    Prof. Yahya's dedication to cross-cultural knowledge dissemination is also evident in his translation projects. His translation of Ma’ammar Al-Qaddafi's "The Village…The Village" and "Al-Qadhafi and the 4000 Day Journey of Secret Work" into Hausa showcases his exceptional linguistic skills and his commitment to making important literary works accessible to a wider audience. These translations not only bridge cultural and linguistic gaps but also enhance the understanding of global narratives within the Hausa-speaking community.

    In addition to these key works, Prof. Yahya has contributed numerous other publications, including:

    ü  Salo ASIRIN WaÆ™a (2016)

    ü  JigonNazarin WaÆ™a (1997)

    ü  'Siffantawa Bazar MawaÆ™a: Wani ShaÆ™o Cikin Nazarin Salon WaÆ™a' in Studies in Hausa, Language, Literature and Culture (2002).

    ü  Kukan KURCIYA Cikin WaÆ™oÆ™in Korona Biyu (2020) which he co-authored with Aliyah Adams Ahmad, a literary historian.

    ü  Tsattsafin: Wani ÆŠigo Cikin Nazarin Gulbin Nazarin Salon Wakokin Hausa (2013), Cikin ÆŠUNÆŠAYE Journal of Hausa Studies

    ü  "Hikimar MawaÆ™a" (1985), a paper published in the journal DANDALIN HIKIMA, discussing the wisdom embedded in Hausa poetry.

    Through these and many other scholarly endeavors, Prof. Yahya has cemented his role as a leading figure in Hausa literary studies, continually contributing to the preservation, understanding, and appreciation of Hausa literature.

     Academic Leadership and Mentorship

    Throughout his career, Dr. Yahya has demonstrated remarkable leadership and mentorship. He has supervised numerous M.A. and Ph.D. candidates to completion, contributing to the academic growth of many scholars in the field. His role as an external examiner for various institutions like ABU Zaria and Bayero University, Kano further underscores his expertise and the high regard in which he is held by the academic community. He served at different times as Head of Department of Nigerian Languages, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Director, Academic Planning Unit as well as a member of the University's Governing Council. He was the Provost, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto (2007-2012).

    Community Service and Professional Engagement

    Prof. Abdullahi B. Yahya's commitment to community service is exemplary, reflecting his deep-seated dedication to the promotion and dissemination of Hausa literature and culture. Throughout his career, he has actively engaged with the community through various platforms, ensuring that the rich heritage of Hausa poetry and traditions remains vibrant and accessible.

    He has presented numerous papers at various seminars and conferences, significantly contributing to the academic and cultural discourse. Noteworthy among these are "Matsayin Waƙoƙin Baka Cikin Adabin Hausa," presented at the Women Arabic Teachers College in Gusau in 1984, and "An Odd Category in Hausa Oral Poetry"(1992), a paper he presented in African Studies Program of University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A.. These presentations highlight the societal relevance of Hausa poetry, emphasizing its role in educating and enlightening the community.

    Prof. Yahya's involvement with media has further amplified his impact. His contributions to Rima Radio, Sokoto, particularly through the program "Hikimar Mawaƙa" from 1988 to 1996 and HANJIN JIMINA at NTA Sokoto (from 2006 - 2007) brought the wisdom of Hausa poets to a broad audience, fostering a greater appreciation for this literary form. Additionally, his participation in the NTA Sokoto Hausa programme, Hanjin Jimina, and Masaƙar Kalmomi segment since 2003, underscores his commitment to cultural preservation and education through modern media channels.

    Beyond his media engagements, Prof. Yahya has served on several important committees and panels, reflecting his dedication to educational and societal development. His roles have included membership in the Local Government Tribunal in Sokoto State (March-July 1997), serving as the State Constituencies Returning Officer for State Assembly Elections in April 2003, and acting as the Collation Officer for the Gubernatorial Election in Sokoto State in 2007. Moreover, he was a member of the Sub-Committee on Education of the Transition Committee for Alhaji Dr. Aliyu Magatakardan Wamakko, the Governor of Sokoto State, in 2007. His ongoing service as the State Representative on the Arewa Consultative Forum since 2008 and his involvement with the Sokoto State Forum since 1995 further illustrate his unwavering commitment to societal progress and governance.

    Memberships and Recognition

    Prof. Abdullahi B. Yahya's active participation in various professional associations underscores his commitment to advancing the standards of education and academic professionalism in Nigeria. He is a dedicated member of the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, an organization that ensures the registration and regulation of teaching professionals in the country. This membership highlights his commitment to maintaining high standards in the teaching profession and contributing to the development of educational policies.

    In addition to this, Prof. Yahya was an active member of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), which was instrumental in advocating for the rights and welfare of academic staff across Nigerian universities.

    Prof. Yahya's memberships are not just limited to these organizations. He is also a longstanding member of {ungiyar Marubuta Da Manazarta Waƙoƙin Hausa since 1981, which is an association dedicated to Hausa poets and critics. His engagement with this group signifies his deep-rooted passion for Hausa literature and his commitment to fostering a vibrant literary community.

    Prof. Yahya was awarded Fulbright African Senior Research Scholar (1991), merit award by Department of Nigerian Languages of Bayero University, Kano as well as certificate of Commendation from University of Sabha, Libya, many others.

    Through these professional affiliations, Prof. Yahya has made significant contributions to the educational landscape in Nigeria, advocating for the rights of educators, promoting high standards in teaching, and ensuring the continuous development of Hausa literature and culture. His recognition within these organizations is a testament to his dedication and impact as a scholar, educator, and cultural advocate.

    Personal Interests and Hobbies

    Beyond his distinguished career, Prof. Abdullahi B. Yahya is a man of multifaceted interests that reflect both his intellectual curiosity and his deep appreciation for nature and creativity. His enduring passion for poetry composing and reading serves as a natural extension of his scholarly pursuits in Hausa literature. This passion not only enriches his academic insights but also underscores his commitment to preserving and advancing the cultural heritage of the Hausa people through the power of words and poetic expression.

    In addition to his literary endeavors, Prof. Yahya finds solace and inspiration in various hobbies that rejuvenate his spirit and connect him with the natural world. His enthusiasm for bird rearing speaks to his nurturing personality and his appreciation for the beauty of avian life. This hobby allows him to observe and care for these creatures, fostering a harmonious relationship with nature that complements his academic rigor.

    Furthermore, Prof. Yahya's dedication to gardening, particularly in cultivating edible fruits and leaves, reflects his practical approach to sustainability and self-sufficiency. His garden not only provides him with fresh produce but also serves as a sanctuary where he can unwind and reconnect with the earth. This hands-on engagement with gardening exemplifies his holistic worldview and his proactive stance on environmental stewardship.

    Moreover, Prof. Yahya's interest in photography showcases his artistic sensibility and his ability to capture fleeting moments of beauty. Through his lens, he preserves visual narratives that convey the richness of cultural traditions and the splendor of the natural world. His photographic endeavors not only document his travels and experiences but also serve as a creative outlet that complements his scholarly pursuits in literature and cultural studies.

    Contact Information

    Prof. Abdullahi B. Yahya remains readily accessible to his colleagues, students, and the wider academic community, welcoming opportunities for collaboration and discourse. For inquiries or correspondence, he can be reached directly via phone at +2347031961302 or through email at Prof. Yahya values open communication and encourages individuals to connect with him regarding academic inquiries, collaborative projects, or discussions related to Hausa literature, cultural studies, and educational initiatives.

    Some of His Publications

    📚Yahya, A.B. (1995), “Tattalin ZaÉ“en Rubutattun WaÆ™oÆ™in Hausa Domin Yara” FAIS JOURNAL Of HUMANITIES Vol. 3/ N0.1 (2004), Bayero University, Kano, page 217 – 232.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2002), “Siffantawa Bazar MawaÆ™a:  Wani ShaÆ™o Cikin Nazarin WaÆ™a” – in Studies in Hausa Language, Literature and Culture (The fifth Hausa International Conference), (ed.) Bichi A.Y., Kafin Hausa, A.U. and Yalwa, L.D., (2002), - page 220 – 240.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (1997), “JIGON NAZARIN WAÆ™A (The Beacon of Poetry Appreciation) – a Hausa text-book on Hausa oral and literate poetry – target audience:  tertiary institutions – number of pages:  179, FISBAS, Kaduna.

    📚Yahya, A.B. da A’isha, A. Sheik, (1999), Yahya, A.B. WANNAN YARO!!(This Child!!), a text book on children’s cognitive development, target audience:  tertiary institutions, - number of pages:  71, FISBAS, Kaduna.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (1999),“Tsarabar Madina:  A Panegyric Poem In Hausa Traditional Attire” Hausa Studies 1 Usmanu ÆŠanfodiyo University, Sokoto, p.111-121. Sokoto.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2001), “Dangantakar WaÆ™a Da Tarbiyyar ‘Ya’yan Hausawa” – in HARSUNAN NIJERIYA XIX, Centre for The Study of Nigerian Languages, Bayero University, Kano, p.94-109, Kano.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2001), SALO ASIRIN WAƘA (Style:  The Secret of Poetry) – a text book on style in Hausa poetry, - target audience:  tertiary institutions, - number of pages:  120, FISBAS, Kaduna.

    📚Yahya, A.B andBilal, K. M. (2001), DARUSSAN HAUSA A LIBIYA I –a Hausa text book for secondary Schools in Libya – number of pages:  146, Maslahat al-Wasa’il Wal Mustalzimat al-Ta’alimiyat, Tripoli, LIBYA.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2004), “Ƙawancen Jigo Tsakanin WaÆ™oÆ™in Sarauta Na Baka Da Rubutattu” – in HARSUNAN NIJERIYA XVII Centre for The Study of Nigerian Languages, Bayero University, Kano, - page 34-55.

    📚Muhammad, ÆŠ., Yahya, A. B. da wasu editoci (2006), Bargon Hikima, Sokoto:  UDU Press.

    📚Yahya, A.B and Bilal, K. M. (2009), DARUSSAN HAUSA A LIBIYA 2 –a Hausa text book for secondary Schools in Libya – number of pages:  89, al- Sharkat al-Khudra’aTripoli, LIBYA

    📚Yahya, A.B and Bilal, K. M. (2010), DARUSSAN HAUSA A LIBIYA 3 –a Hausa text book for secondary Schools in Libya, number of pages:  77, al- Sharkat al-Khudra’ a Tripoli, LIBYA. (Lura da cewa an rubuta DARUSSAN HAUSA A LIBIYA 1, 2,3 tun a shekarun 2000 da 2001 amma na 1 kurum aka samu bugawa a shekarar 2001, na 2 da na 3 sai daga bisani).

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2016), SALO ASIRIN WAƘA(sabon bugu) (Style:  The Secret of Poetry) – a text book on style in Hausa poetry, - target audience:  tertiary institutions, - number of pages:  175, Sokoto:  GUARANTY Printers.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2013),“Tsattsafin Raha Cikin WaÆ™oÆ™in AlÆ™ali Alhaji Haliru Wurno”- cikin ZAUREN WAƘA:  Mujallar Nazarin WaÆ™oÆ™in Hausa vol. No 1 Sokoto:  Department of Nigerian Languages, UDUS.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2013), ‘’Tsattsafi:  Wani ÆŠigo Cikin Gulbin Nazarin Salon WaÆ™oÆ™in Hausa’’ – cikin ÆŠUNÆŠAYE Jounal Hausa Studies vol I No 5 , Sokoto:  Department of Nigerian Languages:  Usmanu ÆŠanfodiyo University.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2014), Gudale WaÆ™ar Soyayya:  Misalin Gazal (Ghazal) Cikin Rubutattun WaÆ™oÆ™in Hausa, cikin GARKUWAN ADABIN HAUSA:  a Festscript in Tribute to AbdulÆ™adir ÆŠangambo, Kano:  Bayero University.

    📚Yahya, A.B. (2015), ‘Rerawa Ruhin WaÆ™a:  Ma’ana da Matsayinta a WaÆ™oÆ™in Hausa Na Baka Da Rubutattu’ cikin ALGAITA Journal of Current Research in Hausa Studies Kano:  Bayero University.

    📚Yahya, A.B., Ainu, H.A. and Idris, Y. (1915), SAI ALU! Zaria:  ABU Press.

    📚Yahya, A.B., Ainu, H.A. and IDRIS, Y. (2016) ALUN NAN DAI!!! Zaria:  ABU Press.

    📚Yahya, A.B. , Ainu, H.A. and Idris, Y.(2018). ALU YA GODE!!! Kaduna:  Amal Printing Press.

    📚Yahya, A.B. da Aliyah, A. A. (2020), Kukan Kurciya Cikin WaÆ™oÆ™in Korona Biyuin press, Zariya:  ABUPRESS.

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    HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.