

Science, Gradually Phasing Out Women? - No Woman, No Cry

Science, Gradually Phasing Out Women? - No Woman, No Cry

Science, Gradually Phasing Out Women? - No Woman, No Cry

The feminine gender as we know it today will soon become extinct, as it is gradually being phased out by science or is it by men? The ones most likely to remain showing any form of feminity are being turned to feminists and staunch resistors of anything masculine.

Soon everything a woman can do, AI robot can do better. Except for the nagging of course. And even that, a Nag Mode button could be added for those who enjoy women's nag. Now, where did I hear that saying before. The chicken has come home to roost.

The most precious act of value a woman has, Sex, has now been duplicatéd, her monopoly power over it has now been broken. Sex can now be performed or given to a man through Elixir (a robot), and all its attending costs money, STD, abortion, DNA testing etc will also all together be eliminated. Sexual intercourse with women will become ancient history.

Soon men will not be needing women for "lituskunu" anymore. All they will need to do is make one single, capital intensive purchase and that's it! The popular adage "No woman, no cry." will then come into full effect. Women will cease to matter in the life and existence of men.

What else is a fundamental role, exclusively reserved and associated with a woman in her coexistence with a man on Earth? Child birth ko? Which ensures the perpetuity of man and his continuity as a specie, right? Well, science is leaving no stone unturn to guarantee the ceasing of that crucial edge too.

Since the coming of Caeserian Section (CS) birth, where it was discovered that natural birth could be replaced, a development welcomed by many modern women, further scientific research has revealed that all those gestational requirements and a woman's womb is not necessary for procreation to happen.

What else does a woman do that is so crucial for mankind to exist? Oh yes, contribute her egg for fertilization in producing a human embryo, right? Well, science can make a replica and has coded in full human DNA sequences and our chromosomes too.

With artificial insemination and fertilization becoming child's play and now absolutely nothing to write home about, making a sperm and ovum to meet and eclipse outside a woman's body or a female part of any animal seamlessly possible, copulation is no more crucial for humans to come into existence.

What else can a woman bring to the table that efforts are not being made to cancel their advantage of its possession out? None!

wAllaahi If not for Islam that prohibits mankind, most especially its Muslim adherents from engaging in any artificial sexual acts with anything or anyone outside marriage, women would surely have been done for.

Yet, many women ignorantly and ungratefully still think Islam has oppressed and denied them their rights and freedom. Anyways, at the end of the day, the rejected corner stone of their lives is none better and none other than Islam. Time will eventually tell. If you doubt it...

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