


1.0 Preamble
The Amsoshi Data Department (ADD) and Shawsec (A Server Security and Penetrating Testing Company) in an effort to promoting global accessibility of scholarly works have enticingly enliven a new strategy for helping academics to own secured personal website(s)/blog(s).

2.0 Roles of Shawsec
Shawsec shall be responsible for all but not limited to the following roles:
i.                    Website periodic-check on security issues,
ii.                  Providing technical advice and
iii.                Helping Amsoshi in fixing technical issues as they may arise.

3.0 Roles of Amsoshi
Amsoshi shall be responsible for all but not limited to the following roles:
i.                    Domain maintenance,
ii.                  Web building, design and customization,
iii.                Postings and
iv.                Updates.

4.0 Roles of a Web-owner
A web-owner is expected to be committed to all but not limited to the following:
i.                    Taking care of financial inflictions,
ii.                  Cooperating with Amsoshi during web development and postings as well as learning the processes with time[1],
iii.                Receiving tutorials from Amsoshi on web management and
iv.                Receiving technical advice from Shawsec on web management.

5.0 Financial Imflictions
5.1 Domain Update
A web-owner is responsible for annual domain update of his website/blog, which costs about 16USD only.

5.2 Shawsec
A web-owner shall pay a onetime fee of 15USD only to Shawsec. That serves as onetime registration fee, hence, no other payments shall be required unless if there is a technical security issue resulting from a web-owner mismanagement(s).

5.3 Amsoshi
A web-owner shall pay a onetime fee of 20USD only to Amsoshi for web building, design and customization. Subsequently, a web-owner shall pay 1USD only for each article to be posted on the website/blog.

6.0 Benefits
i. A scholar/researcher would have his/her works indexed and available on search engines such as Google. 
ii. It earns a scholar a wider global recognition. Hence, his/her works will be available on different internet outlets.
iii. It gives room for a scholar to store his/her works with full security assurance.
iv. A scholar contributes to the dissemination of knowledge.

7.0 Disclaimer
A web-owner shall be responsible for ensuring the authenticity of his/her work(s), including referencing and copyright ownership.

8.0 Termination of Agreements
A web-owner may wish to terminate the deal at any point. Shall a web-owner wish to terminate the deal, a month notice is required.
Note: A web-owner continues with the web management (including but not limited to postings) over time as he/she leans to manage the website/blog at his/her end. Hence, all financial inflictions are automatically terminated as per as Shawsec and Amsoshi are concerned.

9.0 Disputes and Resolutions
Any dispute is expected to be resolved amicably within the three parties i.e. ADDShawsec and a Web-owner. In case there is the need to include another party, the dispute shall be resolved in Nigerian courts.

10.0 Contacts
You can contact us through:
Contact the section on www.amsoshi.com

i. Contact section on www.shawsec.com
ii. Or any of the following mail addresses:

[1] The faster a web-owner leans the necessary technicalities, the sooner he/she takes full charge of the activities of the website/blog.
Amsoshi Language Services

[1] The faster a web-owner leans the necessary technicalities, the sooner he/she takes full charge of the activities of the website/blog.

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